Wednesday 7 January 2015

Looking for a New Year's Resolution? Try This Simple Step to Preserve your Publications and Help to Increase your Citations

Did you know that in the vast majority of cases, when you contract with a publisher to publish your article in a specific journal, the publisher then holds the copyright to the published article?

This means that you, the author, have no rights over the published article, and can only access it if you or your institution have a subscription to the journal. Furthermore, the publisher is under no obligation to preserve your article in the long term.

What can you do?

First, you should always keep the Author's Final Version of your article. This is the final version, following the review process, that you send to the publisher, i.e. the last version before the publisher's formatting etc. is applied.

Secondly, deposit the Author's Final Version in Arrow@DIT, DIT's Institutional Repository. Most publishers will allow you to "self-archive" the Author's Final Version in Arrow, as long as you provide the citation to the published version. Any item that you submit to Arrow is kept in a holding area until library staff have verified that the publisher's policy permits deposit of the Author's Final Version in Arrow.

Arrow is an archive of DIT's research, so uploading your publications to Arrow ensures their preservation.

There's also some evidence that depositing publications in institutional repositories can help to increase their citations - another reason to make sure that you've deposited your work in Arrow!